The NE Couloir of the Pfieferhorn. An interesting 52 degree face with an 80ft rappel.

The early bird gets the worm and the tardy skier gets the weather. Courtney Phillips and I started hiking with beautiful blue skies and spring temps late this morning. However, stormy weather started coming in as we reached the upper Maybird Basin and traversed underneath the line.

We hunkered down beneath giant granite blocks to grab a snack and escape the increasing ridge-top wind.

Blowing snow blasted us along the final summit ridge.

I like to fancy myself a mountain goat at times, graceful and skilled at mountain travel and impervious to the weather.

The reality today was we were just men a little late to ski our objective

Rising avalanche risk, 40mph gusts and snotty frozen faces convinced us to turn back.

Another lovely day in the mountains!

Courtney with a quick glance back as we got the hell out of there. We'll be back!