I’ve been heading up to AK and the Valdez/Thompson Pass area for the past several winters to film ‘big mountain’ lines for the PW flicks. This year we all wanted to try something different. We were tired of being cooped up in the RV and waiting for weather breaks. Getting flown in and dropped off on a glacier for 2 weeks in Haines sounded appealing. We assembled a crew of 6 and we are all psyched to head out and see what we capture.
I just discovered the ability to time delay these posts so I’m writing this from my office in SLC, but by the time this is posted we will have been in Haines for almost a week skiing long steep lines, coated with that coastal AK cream (fingers crossed). I’m no gypsy fortuneteller, but I’m going to try and guess/predict what we have been up to and report back from the future.
Monday we flew into Juneau and the next day ferried to Haines. There we encountered bluebird skies and freshly fallen powder from a recent storm cycle that just blew through and left a foot or so of stable new snow in the mountains. We are quickly flown out of town by our skilled pilot Drake onto a one of the numerous glaciers surrounding Haines. We track the bejesus out of every inch of terrain and come home with big smiles.
Stay tuned and see how close I came with my predictions.
The Crew-

Did somebody say Alaska? Andy Rosenberg finally heads north for the only mountains big enough for his new skis!

All the feats and marvelous wonders will be captured by the magical photo lens of the one and only Jay Beyer.

- The fearless AK veteran Nick DeVore rounds out the team.
Full trip report to come.