Growing up Mormon, I was told to follow the Spirit, to go towards those little inklings and ideas that make you smile inside and feel alive. Where the “still small voice” leads you can be uncomfortable but I’ve found comfort can be overrated. I was also taught a lot of other stuff that I haven’t found as useful so I left it behind. For better or worse, I’ve tried to find my way by paying attention to the subtle nudges. Maybe I just watched Field of Dreams too much when I was a kid.
It’s easy to find excuses or reasons not to listen but, “Go To The Desert” has been loud enough for long enough.
So I went.
I hear people say there’s “nothing” in the desert. I always seem to find “things” there. And I find I can learn more and even unlearn more there than anywhere else.
Into the House Range for the weekend with a book of simple truths,
a watermelon,

"The greatest miracle is experiencing yourself prior to any words, thoughts or mental labels and images."

"Beware knowledge, ideologies and belief systems identified with to enhance the false sense of self."
Nice to find ones self by getting lost in the desert. Thanks to Eckhart Tolle for the timely messages.
Gettin all philosophical, I like it.