Too strange and hard to believe that Jonah and I just finished up work on our 10th backcountry film! This whole Powderwhore thing started as a joke, became a hobby and now it’s still a joke that sometimes feels like a job and pays like a hobby.
This truly is our baby. From planning trips to pushing record to shipping DVD’s we do it all. I don’t know of any other production houses that do it this way. And nobody is producing anything this awesome with such a small budget and on such a skeleton crew. We like it this way. I can’t imagine shooting footage and handing it off to someone else to tell the story. And I can’t imagine just doing the editing and not heading out into the mountains in search of pow and adventure. We love all the processes and how different and creative they all are. I’m proud of what we’ve done and very proud of this film.
We hoped to really get out there and capture the raw experience of hiking in the mountains and adventuring well in unique places with good friends, athletes and characters. We wanted people to walk away saying wow, that was Something Else. I feel like we succeed.

We’re kicking off the tour with a whole week of shows at Brewvies from Sept 22nd-27th, one show at 8pm each night. We’ll be raffling off great swag to support the Utah Avalanche Center and Wasatch Backcountry Alliance. And then we hit the road for 30+ shows in as many different cities. To purchase downloads, gear, DVD’s and for all the full tour details visit POWDERWHORE.
Thanks to all the friends, family and sponsors support for keeping this dream alive!