After ten long and powder filled years Jonah and I have decided to stop filming and producing Powderwhore films.
Why? The answer is complex. So many factors and reasons. Something Else was the film we had hoped we could make, and we finally did it. The rest is a mix of risk versus reward, old age, finances, lack of snow, and just feeling like it’s complete. After we made the decision, a great confirmation came in the form of the huge relief we both felt. I’m quite sure I’ll never have a more challenging and rewarding job, and that makes it a very tough decision to make. On the flip side, this shitty winter the west is experiencing does make us glad we’re not scrambling to pull something together. It was a good run. We are really proud of what we were able to produce with the resources we had. Nobody out there was doing as much with as little as we were.
So many people helped make up this snowball and keep it rolling. A huge thanks to all the friends that broke trail with us, sponsors that supported our work, and to all the people behind the scenes that worked hard to make the films and the tour a success. And cheers to you Powderwhore Nation for sticking with us through our, hand-held camera work, our telemarking days, the childish humor and beyond.
Our good friend and ski partner Megan Michelson did an excellent job telling our story in a recent issue of Backcountry Magazine.
What is next? I’m not sure. This is both a little frightening, but mostly exciting. It’s been hard, but good letting go of my identity that is so tied up in the films. It’s been nice to droop the camera and just ski for pleasure. PW has left it’s mark.

We are considering doing a “best of” tour in limited cities for next fall, but we’ll see.
Until then, Go Fluff Yourself!
I raise my glass, bottle actually, to you! Great movies with you and old friends that always got me thinking about the good ole days. Does this mean you will have time to come out and ski Terry Peak? We will cook the best steaks you’ve ever had. Best wishes for all your future endeavors! Take Care.
an awesome job well done. You set the standard of excellence. You will be missed but never forgotten. Aloha!
We’ll never forget all of the great times you brought to town and to the local ski community every year- hundreds of people lining up, most getting turned away, just to sit on a bunch of crappy folding chairs and watch the latest PW film with friends, drink beer, and get stoked about winter. It was a great run- all the best to you and Jonah- shred hard, gents!
Love you guys!! It has been fun to watch you over the years. Fun to watch you chase your dreams, make them reality, and let the rest of us live vicariously through them. So proud to know you both!! Oh…and “Whore no more??” Once a Whore…always a Whore! There are many great things ahead for you both. Way to end it on a high note! Now go fabricate some new dream catchers!!!
My wife and I have enjoyed your films over the last few years at the Winter Wildland Alliance Backcountry Film Festival. Maybe after a couple of years off you’ll decide to do some more films. Thanks for a great run!
Bummer but it was worth the wait each year. Come up to Alpental sometime.
Thanks for your committment to get out and capture it for us! Ski well, boys!
My favorite part of your films was the intro having so much skinning, and not shredding. Those really spoke to me, and clearly to the rest of the audience. It felt real, it felt passionate, and they were awesome.
Bravo on your endurance, and all the early season fun you gave us all at Brewvies and beyond.
Bummed about this news, but not entirely shocked. You guys made great films that kept getting better each year. “Nobody out there was doing as much with as little as we were.” That was what I loved about your films. No pretense, no stunts, just great backcountry stoke without taking yourselves too serious. I will certainly miss seeing your films in the fall.
Best wishes to you guys in your next endeavors! And keep up with the great work on the blog!
Thank you so much Jim!
Thanks for the good times. You will be missed.
Thanks Kilowati!