LCC, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer



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first turns of 2010 season

Blog,Colorado,Winter 2010

With a week off from touring the country, and a fair amount of new snow, it seemed like a good time to kick off winter 2010. Jonah, Darrell and I hit up Alta, which seemed like they had more snow…

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mount oly


So the motor driven toys are put away. Time to hit the hills and get the legs ready for winter. Derek had a fun route idea on Mt Olympus so we gave it a whirl. He blogged about it with…

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moto loop to hanksville


I was lucky enough to survive one epic moto ride this summer, so why not push my luck. The proposed route was a fully inspired breathtaking loop through the diverse central part of this lovely state called Utah. Our 750…

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fall moto trip


Leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for one last moto trip before the snow falls (fingers crossed). The ‘plan’ is to head south to Hanksville staying on as much dirt as possible while camping along the way. Braaaaaap Braaap.

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fallen angel


Looks like the rumors are true. Shortly after Dylan and I left the Alaska Range a team of two sped up and over the Sultana Ride and descended the Archangel! Blog report here. Amazing circumnavigation requiring serious commitment and balls…

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team monkey spank-slc to jax


I got invited along on an epic two wheeled adventure north from Ogden Canyon to Jackson Hole. A recently formed bike gang calling themselves Team Monkey Spank inducted me into the tribe with a 960 mile ride over 8 days…

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flakes is coming


The movie is all wrapped up and Jonah has been posting some news and updates over on We are both really excited about how our baby turned out. We are working on getting the trailer out there and promoting…

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whippet retrival


If you’ve been following along, last spring this happened- down to Generator) During the rappel Darrell set his whippets down and forgot them. By the time he remembered, we were too far committed to the descent to retrieve them….

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take me to the river


It’s been a long long time (maybe since 1998) that I haven’t been working long hours through the summer to save up for winter. First it was manual labor in San Diego, then over the past few season’s I’ve been…