Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer



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kessler 4X4


The plan for the day was to climb Kessler four times and ski the four main lines off the peak by working our way from the East Couloir to God’s Lawnmower, then Argenta and finishing into Mineral Fork with the…

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Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering

I’ve been updating my blog and in switching servers some posts were deleted. This was a highlight from last winter that I’ve rewritten with more pics and info from the route. Plinko! (new line on the Pfiefferhorn?) We were filming…

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bd ad


I wish I had some long grueling traverse, or fall moto trip to report about, but I don’t. Jonah and I are traveling the road showing off our latest Powderwhore Flick to ravenous skiers throughout the western states. We head…

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powder magazine cover


I got a phone call from Jay Beyer about a month ago and he said, “guess who’s on the cover of the November issue of Powder”? After the initial excitement and discussing which shot it was and that there might…

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city of rocks


Traded in the city of salt for the city of rocks this weekend. Yes, there is an entire city of rocks. I had heard of it, but never before been If I were a rock climber and were to build…

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6 weeks in AK!

Alaska,Blog,First Descents,Gear

Just returned from my longest visit to the endless mountains of Alaska. I drove up on the first of April and returned last weekend. I’m still sorting gear, pics and catching up, but I’ll post some trip reports soon. For…

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Northwest Couloir of the Pfiefferhorn


Too much time spent staring at the Pfiefferhorn and the mind does wander. Before ticking of PLINKO a few weeks ago, I was interested in this little ramp variation that would skirt around the standard rappel route. So Jim Harris…

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doing it at night


The idea of skiing at night with lights first started when mad scientist, Andy Rosenberg purchased a high powered mtn bike light for use on dawn patrols. After working in the office all day I borrowed it for an evening…

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X-Country into Yellowstone


Not much to ski here in the Wasatch at the moment. However, I wanted to get out for an adventure. There’s a little window where vehicles and snowmobiles are not allowed in Yellowstone National Park. I thought it would be…