Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


Ski Mountaineering

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pico de orizaba, mexico

Blog,Epics,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

Article written for Ascent Backcountry Journal with added photos by Jason and Andy Dorais and Joey Campanelli  – “I’ve got to pee” I finally said reluctantly. I did have to go really bad, but when you’ve got a 2,000 mile…

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firing squad

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

I hate this time of year, it cools off just a few degrees and all of the sudden I start thinking winter, but it’s still a long ways out and there’s not much to do with the pent up energy….

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new maestrale rs boot review

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering

Ten years into blogging and I keep telling myself I’ll do more gear reviews and product highlights. The reason I don’t is just that I’m lazy I guess. So, when I do get around to posting about gear it’s because it’s…