Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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on tour


Once the film is made it’s time to share it with the WORLD, or at least a very small and dedicated group of snow enthusiasts in select locations throughout the West.     It all kicks off at Brewvies in…

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first turns of 2010 season

Blog,Colorado,Winter 2010

With a week off from touring the country, and a fair amount of new snow, it seemed like a good time to kick off winter 2010. Jonah, Darrell and I hit up Alta, which seemed like they had more snow…

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scramble on


It’s snowed and it’s currently snowing in the mountains here in the Wasatch. The forecast is calling for more early this week. I’m guessing and hoping this will be the patch that sticks and starts the snowpack for the 2008/09…