Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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castle peak, idaho

50 Classic Ski Descents,Blog,Idaho,Winter 2019

  The very distant south face of Castle Peak. #26 of #50 (photo by Ben VandenBos of the Sawtooth Avalanche Center) This wasn’t my first rodeo so to speak. I’d ridden and wrestled snow-machines deep into the Cloud River Range…

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pico de orizaba, mexico

Blog,Epics,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

Article written for Ascent Backcountry Journal with added photos by Jason and Andy Dorais and Joey Campanelli  – “I’ve got to pee” I finally said reluctantly. I did have to go really bad, but when you’ve got a 2,000 mile…

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slideshow- the golden age of backcountry


Each year I sign on for another slideshow or two. I enjoy going to them, more than I like presenting them. I do enjoy drinking a little too much and trying to tell entertaining tales with what is usually family…

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guided backcountry skiing in the wasatch


I haven’t found any other activity more fulfilling and challenging than touring through the dynamic mountains in winter. (One of my first tours in the heart of the Wasatch. 1997) For almost 20 years  years I’ve explored almost every chute,…