Powderdise, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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skiing the hardrock 100 – trailer


It’s been a long hot summer. A good time to hunker down in the basement and edit together the footage from Skiing The Hardrock 100. The film is just about ready and the trailer is live. Skimo and endurance efforts…

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ski hard rock 100

Blog,Colorado,Epics,SkiMo,Winter 2016

For four days I followed Jason Schlarb, Scott Simmons and Paul Hamilton through the San Juan Mountains of Colorado connecting together the first completion of the iconic Hardrock 100 route on skis. Watch video HERE! The full four part trip…

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tetons-cathedral traverse


A good formula for adventure is to allow naivety and over-confidence to get yourself into trouble, and then use mental strength, skill, and physical ability to get you back out. The Grand Traverse of the Tetons has always been a…