Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer


Andy dorais

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pico de orizaba, mexico

Blog,Epics,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

Article written for Ascent Backcountry Journal with added photos by Jason and Andy Dorais and Joey Campanelli  – “I’ve got to pee” I finally said reluctantly. I did have to go really bad, but when you’ve got a 2,000 mile…

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firing squad

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

I hate this time of year, it cools off just a few degrees and all of the sudden I start thinking winter, but it’s still a long ways out and there’s not much to do with the pent up energy….

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tetons-cathedral traverse


A good formula for adventure is to allow naivety and over-confidence to get yourself into trouble, and then use mental strength, skill, and physical ability to get you back out. The Grand Traverse of the Tetons has always been a…

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lone peak, chipman, box elder


Moving apartments, good powder skiing, resting, and schmoozing at the Outdoor Retailer have filled my days since the Jackson Skimo race. High pressure and good avalanche stability moved in last week. This is when things get really interesting. Where to…

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wurl complete


    A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. -Denis Waitley-   W= It’s in the heart…