Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove


Andy Jacobsen

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buried weak layers

Avalanche Awareness,Blog,Gear

    Trips are popping up and the calendar is filling in. The hit list seems to grow daily. Gear is dialed. I’m fit and chomping at the bit after two less than satisfactory winters in the Wasatch. We are…

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It’s Winter, time to ski. And blog again, sorry for the huge blackout to those of you still checking in. The legs have been feeling good with a handful of mellow touring days and some intense uphill training days already…

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best powder segment


Last year was infuckingcredible in the Wasatch Mountains! That is, if you like powder snow. And I do! In sharp and painful contrast to this season’s grim start, last winter delivered. I remember passing on days because it ONLY snowed…

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summer update


Busy in the editing booth finishing up the new movie “Breaking Trail” from Powderwhore Productions. Great poster art from our friend Sean Quill. Top two photo’s are of myself taken by brother Jonah and the snowboarder is Forrest Shearer shot…

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svalbard norway part 1- longyearbyen


Spring means 2 things, spring expeditions! The past several years have been to Alaska and I was planning on returning to do a sea to summit expedition with Nick Devore and Andy Jacobsen. We kept an eye on conditions and…

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ne pfeifferhorn

Blog,Gear,The Chuting Gallery

On April 1st 2011 I skied the NE Face of the Pfeifferhorn with Andy Jacobsen and Andrew McLean. This closes the book on a 13 year project to ski all the lines in Andrew’s skiing guidebook ‘The Chuting Gallery’. I…

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great white icicle


GREAT? As an ice climb, yes. WHITE? Not really, more yellow and brown at this time of year. ICICLE? Yes there was still some ice and a tiny bit of snow. When Andy Jacobsen was 17 or so, he climbed…