Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer


Backcountry film

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backcountry film festival-slc and pc


A little PSA for Salt Lake City and Park City backcountry skiers and Wasatch Backcountry Alliance supporters. The Backcountry Film Festival is back in town next week at Brewvies and the following week in Park City. Let’s drink these bleak…

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Some Thing Else


Too strange and hard to believe that Jonah and I just finished up work on our 10th backcountry film! This whole Powderwhore thing started as a joke, became a hobby and now it’s still a joke that sometimes feels like…

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Wasatch Backcountry Alliance


    The Wasatch Backcountry Alliance was recently formed in hopes of bringing the human powered winter community together and giving it representation. I’m honored to have been asked to be one of the founding board members. I’ve seen many…