Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


Big Cottonwood Canyon

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raise your voice


Help stop Talisker and the Canyons from putting a ski lift in Big Cottonwood Canyon. Concerned Wasatch Mountain residents please come join me at 3:15 on Tuesday 1/24 at the Salt Lake City and County Building (2001 S State). We’ll…

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generator couloir attempt 2009


I did pre-apologize to Darrell about this one, but he ended up still walking away mad. The plan was to tick off the Generator Couloir up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We then booted all the way out the creek and to…

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wasatch supercoaster


Winter is over, but there are still many trips, vids, and pics that I’m planning on dragging out of the past to post. We’ll begin with this trip report from a few years ago. I wasn’t blogging then and wanted…

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brighton shortcut?


I decided to go for a hike at Brighton last week. In an effort to conserve gas I looked at alternate ways of getting there. My USGS topo map revealed a much more direct route which would cut off a…