Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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Blog,Ski Mountaineering

  “And you will come to find that we are all one mind capable of all that’s imagined and all conceivable.” “Reflection” by TOOL   I guess it was on THIS outing last season that I really decided it was time…

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rainier-success couloir


      Nothing is over. To be honest I’m more excited about skiing than I have been all winter. Alaska always seems to really kick me into gear. I  do love the warmer temps, longer daylight and increased stability…

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wrangell st elias-slotterhouse


    Back from a month of shooting and skiing for Powderwhore in Alaska. We split the month into two trips, one stint in the Tordrillos with Caston Oliver,  Neil Provo and photographer Jay Beyer. For some pics and a…

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tushar mountains-mount baldy


    This past weekend was my mothers retirement party in St George. Good excuse to get outside the Wasatch and explore on the way down south. I’ve only skied in the Tushar Mountains once and well, we did more…

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Cold Fusion

50 Classic Ski Descents,Blog

It’s a bit of an approach, but some great trails and mellow roads lead to this classic line. Excited to get to know another little area of this vastly tiny range we call the Wasatch.

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arctic circle

Baffin Island,Blog,Gear,Svalbard

I’ve only been north of 66 degrees once before and I would have to agree with the tag line ‘where the good stuff is’.  As for the restaurant, I’ve been there and I think they are full of shit. Several…

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ciochetti’s ribbon

Blog,The Chuting Gallery

The original post on this outing was deleted in the transfer of servers, so here is an updated version. When I first saw Andrew Mclean’s book ‘The Chuting Gallery’ I was dumbfounded. I was peacefully enjoying the powder bowls of…

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kessler 4X4


The plan for the day was to climb Kessler four times and ski the four main lines off the peak by working our way from the East Couloir to God’s Lawnmower, then Argenta and finishing into Mineral Fork with the…

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The Revelations Revealed

Alaska,Baffin Island,Blog

I first heard about the Revelation Mountains while reading a book on climbing in Alaska. For some reason they just stuck in my head as a place I wanted to visit. Maybe it was my Religious upbringing and the mystery…