Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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Northwest Couloir of the Pfiefferhorn


Too much time spent staring at the Pfiefferhorn and the mind does wander. Before ticking of PLINKO a few weeks ago, I was interested in this little ramp variation that would skirt around the standard rappel route. So Jim Harris…

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Steep Camp

Blog,Ski Mountaineering

Sorry for the posting drought! It’s been my goal to add something of interest once a week, but that hasn’t been easy this winter. The thin and scary snowpack has made it difficult to safely attempt much. The tick list…

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whippet retrival


If you’ve been following along, last spring this happened- https://noahhowell.com/?s=generator+couloir(Scroll down to Generator) During the rappel Darrell set his whippets down and forgot them. By the time he remembered, we were too far committed to the descent to retrieve them….

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stupor tour


One of the longest days I’ve spent in the mountains (16hrs 6mins) is going to make for a long blog entry. This is just a warning that this read might take a bit longer than the average of 1:57min per…

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moto-vated on mount nebo


So if you checked the link from my last post (here) you saw some high quality pics from Derek that pretty much covered the outing. Well it might be redundant, but I’ve got a few to add. We hoofed it…

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lone peak (up and over) attempt


Andy Jacobsen called Tue night and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. “Do you want to come with Travis and I to ski Lone Peak? We are planning on skinning up into the cirque, climbing a 5.10 route on…

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generator couloir attempt 2009


I did pre-apologize to Darrell about this one, but he ended up still walking away mad. The plan was to tick off the Generator Couloir up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We then booted all the way out the creek and to…

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pfieferhorn ne couloir (round #2)


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? A bit obsessed with this line by now, Courtney and I went back for a second attempt Sunday morning. Unfortunately our story stops here, or at least doesn’t continue down the…

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pfieferhorn ne couloir attempt


The early bird gets the worm and the tardy skier gets the weather. Courtney Phillips and I started hiking with beautiful blue skies and spring temps late this morning. However, stormy weather started coming in as we reached the upper…