Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove



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the 80 inch rule


We’ve been skiing our fill of mellow angle pow so far this season. This is a shot from last Saturday up near Alta. The Wasatch mountains take a fair amount of snow to coat them from all the sharp pointy…

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scramble on


It’s snowed and it’s currently snowing in the mountains here in the Wasatch. The forecast is calling for more early this week. I’m guessing and hoping this will be the patch that sticks and starts the snowpack for the 2008/09…

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bd ski ad-montgomery chute


Jay Beyer took this shot inside the gut of the Montgomery Chute, which we skied with Andy Jacobsen last season. Black Diamond is currently running it as an ad for their skis. I was on the Havoc’s, which are my…

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i am a beater! ( photo shoot)


Last fall created their athlete program and somehow I ended up on the roster. From the get go it was clear this is a really well run company filled with creative and motivated folks. It was exciting to be…

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wolverine cirque in a day

Alaska,Blog,The Chuting Gallery,Training

This is a Wolverine: This is a Cirque: a deep steep-walled basin on a mountain usually forming the blunt end of a valley. This is Wolverine Cirque: If you’re not familiar with Wolverine Cirque, well actually I don’t believe that’s…

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chugach expedition


In the Spring of 2007 Darrell Finlayson and I had plans to fly to a very remote Alaskan range to spend a few weeks freezing our asses off and skiing. The weather had other plans for us and our pilot…

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wasatch supercoaster


Winter is over, but there are still many trips, vids, and pics that I’m planning on dragging out of the past to post. We’ll begin with this trip report from a few years ago. I wasn’t blogging then and wanted…

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brighton shortcut?


I decided to go for a hike at Brighton last week. In an effort to conserve gas I looked at alternate ways of getting there. My USGS topo map revealed a much more direct route which would cut off a…

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mmmmmm! Granola


This past winter I worked with Andy Rosenberg and Andy Jacobsen on this Nature Valley ad. The production crew that came out had never done a skiing shoot and most of them didn’t even ski. They had two days for…