Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer


Dylan Freed

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twin peaks

Blog,First Descents

Resolution of the new year, 2015 = blog regularly. I’ve realized in order to achieve this I’m going to have to lower my standards of what I consider “blog worthy.” It can’t always be first descents, link-ups, or big traverses as…

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summer of fitness-south superior


      The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his…

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Blog,Gear,The Chuting Gallery,Video

My last post on the Ribbon at Alta got me focused again on the Chuting Gallery. I’ve had plenty of excuses lately, some good and some not. I guess I’ve been waiting for ‘ideal’ conditions after being shut down so…

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Northwest Couloir of the Pfiefferhorn


Too much time spent staring at the Pfiefferhorn and the mind does wander. Before ticking of PLINKO a few weeks ago, I was interested in this little ramp variation that would skirt around the standard rappel route. So Jim Harris…

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archangel ridge alaska


Today Dylan Freed and I are leaving to attempt a ski descent of the Archangel Ridge on Mount Foraker. There isn’t much information out there on the route. Here a trip report on the second ascent from the American Alpine…

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y-not couloir-video


Threw this together today from some pretty bad footage I took last winter on a ‘Gray Sky’ day.  Jay Beyer and Dylan Freed and I all made our virgin trip down the Y-not Couloir. Watch on youtube HERE

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why not sober up in the y-not?


Still cleaning out the camera from an amazing week of high pressure a week or so ago. This is a little trip down the Y-Not Couloir with Dylan Freed. We had bigger plans, but we both showed up a little…

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scramble on


It’s snowed and it’s currently snowing in the mountains here in the Wasatch. The forecast is calling for more early this week. I’m guessing and hoping this will be the patch that sticks and starts the snowpack for the 2008/09…