Powderdise, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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lone peak, chipman, box elder


Moving apartments, good powder skiing, resting, and schmoozing at the Outdoor Retailer have filled my days since the Jackson Skimo race. High pressure and good avalanche stability moved in last week. This is when things get really interesting. Where to…

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It’s Winter, time to ski. And blog again, sorry for the huge blackout to those of you still checking in. The legs have been feeling good with a handful of mellow touring days and some intense uphill training days already…

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Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering

I’ve been updating my blog and in switching servers some posts were deleted. This was a highlight from last winter that I’ve rewritten with more pics and info from the route. Plinko! (new line on the Pfiefferhorn?) We were filming…