Powderdise, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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pico de orizaba, mexico

Blog,Epics,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2017

Article written for Ascent Backcountry Journal with added photos by Jason and Andy Dorais and Joey Campanelli  – “I’ve got to pee” I finally said reluctantly. I did have to go really bad, but when you’ve got a 2,000 mile…

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scarpa f-1 boot review


Scarpa F-1 boot review   Weight: 1230g; 2lbs 11oz (1/2 pair size 27) The past season I’ve been skiing/testing a few new iterations of the Scarpa F-1 backcountry ski boot.  I’ve been getting a bunch of questions about them so I…

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Dome Sweet Dome


I’m not a writer, but I enjoy the challenge it presents and the introspection it can award. And I really like sharing and discussing adventures on snow. I was invited to contribute to the new backcountry ski journal Ascent. The…

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boot quiver 2014


      We all get to decide what “skiing” means on our own individual level. With all the gear manufacturers crafting backcountry tools we don’t have to be defined or limited by the gear, but only by imagination and…

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diving board and rampage

Alaska,Blog,First Descents,Gear,Video

(A delayed posting from an outing several weeks ago) Alaska had produced 2 great skiing expeditions and I found myself back in the Wasatch with toes and fingers still thawing from the cold. Winter was attempting to flee and warm…