Powderdise, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


helmet cam

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Blog,Gear,The Chuting Gallery,Video

My last post on the Ribbon at Alta got me focused again on the Chuting Gallery. I’ve had plenty of excuses lately, some good and some not. I guess I’ve been waiting for ‘ideal’ conditions after being shut down so…

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first day bc 2009


The backcountry snow has been thin so we’ve been skiing Alta and touring up Snowbird for training. With the latest storm we were drawn outside the boundaries for the first tour of the season. We’ve picked up some new helmet…

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first turns of 2010 season

Blog,Colorado,Winter 2010

With a week off from touring the country, and a fair amount of new snow, it seemed like a good time to kick off winter 2010. Jonah, Darrell and I hit up Alta, which seemed like they had more snow…

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denali 2006


Here is a brief trip report, with pics and vid, of a trip to Denali in the spring of 2006 Expediton name: Whiskey Ed Magin-Team Leader/Head Water Boiler/Alarm Clock Operator and Motivator John Colter- Photographer/Cookie Dough Porter/Morale Officer Noah Howell-Videographer/Igloo…