Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove



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flakes is coming


The movie is all wrapped up and Jonah has been posting some news and updates over on We are both really excited about how our baby turned out. We are working on getting the trailer out there and promoting…

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whippet retrival


If you’ve been following along, last spring this happened- down to Generator) During the rappel Darrell set his whippets down and forgot them. By the time he remembered, we were too far committed to the descent to retrieve them….

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take me to the river


It’s been a long long time (maybe since 1998) that I haven’t been working long hours through the summer to save up for winter. First it was manual labor in San Diego, then over the past few season’s I’ve been…

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mount olympus west slab


I grew up in the foothills of Mount Olympus and it’s still one of my favorite Wasatch Peaks. It’s a good early morning summer outing. There are many fun ways up, and all of them provide inspiration, adventure and perspiration….

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oquirrh traverse


This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Why? Not so sure, but it seems strange to live close to this range and never explore it at all. I watch the sunset daily over these peaks and…

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hello moto


I’m finally happy and willing to accept that winter is over for me. Time to edit next years movie and start training for the upcoming ski season (only 5 months away). Also a nice time to cruise around on a…

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archangel pics


After our trip, Dylan had to quickly take off  to work on the river in Montana. He just emailed me a few pics from the trip. I’ll post a full TR when I get a CD from him.

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archangel is a devil


Dylan and i are back in the lower 48 safe and sound after our outing was cut short due to lack of snow and poor conditions. Sorry for the delay in posting our progress, or lack of. I’m working on…

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archangel ridge alaska


Today Dylan Freed and I are leaving to attempt a ski descent of the Archangel Ridge on Mount Foraker. There isn’t much information out there on the route. Here a trip report on the second ascent from the American Alpine…