Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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moto adventure summer 2010


After a few trips fell through we finally got a small crew together for a weekend moto ride. Trip report posted HERE by the master navigator and fearless leader.

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mount oly


So the motor driven toys are put away. Time to hit the hills and get the legs ready for winter. Derek had a fun route idea on Mt Olympus so we gave it a whirl. He blogged about it with…

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moto loop to hanksville


I was lucky enough to survive one epic moto ride this summer, so why not push my luck. The proposed route was a fully inspired breathtaking loop through the diverse central part of this lovely state called Utah. Our 750…

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fall moto trip


Leaving bright and early tomorrow morning for one last moto trip before the snow falls (fingers crossed). The ‘plan’ is to head south to Hanksville staying on as much dirt as possible while camping along the way. Braaaaaap Braaap.

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oquirrh traverse


This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Why? Not so sure, but it seems strange to live close to this range and never explore it at all. I watch the sunset daily over these peaks and…

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hello moto


I’m finally happy and willing to accept that winter is over for me. Time to edit next years movie and start training for the upcoming ski season (only 5 months away). Also a nice time to cruise around on a…

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moto-vated on mount nebo


So if you checked the link from my last post (here) you saw some high quality pics from Derek that pretty much covered the outing. Well it might be redundant, but I’ve got a few to add. We hoofed it…

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moto nebo


I recently purchased a street legal dirt bike for cruising town and playing around off road. Got a call from Derek who just picked up a bike as well, he wanted to put them to use for a ski tour….