Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


noah howell

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wrangell st elias-slotterhouse


    Back from a month of shooting and skiing for Powderwhore in Alaska. We split the month into two trips, one stint in the Tordrillos with Caston Oliver,  Neil Provo and photographer Jay Beyer. For some pics and a…

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Summer is flying by! Days have been spent editing the new film and working on the promotional materials. I love this part of my job. It’s so different from the travel and filming aspect, but still very related. With Powderwhore…

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best powder segment


Last year was infuckingcredible in the Wasatch Mountains! That is, if you like powder snow. And I do! In sharp and painful contrast to this season’s grim start, last winter delivered. I remember passing on days because it ONLY snowed…

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haines 2009 (part 1)


So obviously Haines is THE place for big mountain riding, right? I mean this is where the most amazing footage has been coming from for many years now. Six of us from PW productions were lucky enough to make the…

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denali 2006


Here is a brief trip report, with pics and vid, of a trip to Denali in the spring of 2006 Expediton name: Whiskey Ed Magin-Team Leader/Head Water Boiler/Alarm Clock Operator and Motivator John Colter- Photographer/Cookie Dough Porter/Morale Officer Noah Howell-Videographer/Igloo…