Antarctic Peninsula - Photographer Jim Harris


Powder Magazine

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wrangell st elias-slotterhouse


    Back from a month of shooting and skiing for Powderwhore in Alaska. We split the month into two trips, one stint in the Tordrillos with Caston Oliver,  Neil Provo and photographer Jay Beyer. For some pics and a…

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Revelations Revisited

Alaska,Blog,First Descents

Expeditions are a gamble, a roll of the dice. The first time I bet on the Revelations we ended up sitting in the town of Talkeetna in the rain for 7 days. Several years later I gave it another whirl…

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powder magazine cover


I got a phone call from Jay Beyer about a month ago and he said, “guess who’s on the cover of the November issue of Powder”? After the initial excitement and discussing which shot it was and that there might…

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powder magazine photo annual


A long time dream of mine was recently fulfilled with the release of the Dec issue of Powder Magazine. Thanks to the eye and talented lens work of Jay Beyer we made a pretty picture for the photo annual! With…