Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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6 weeks in AK!

Alaska,Blog,First Descents,Gear

Just returned from my longest visit to the endless mountains of Alaska. I drove up on the first of April and returned last weekend. I’m still sorting gear, pics and catching up, but I’ll post some trip reports soon. For…

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black and white


If a picture can say a thousand words then here are 3 thousand expletives that come close to communicating how skiing makes me feel and why I devote most of my life’s time and energy to it. We raced against the…

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rampage attempt


The Wasatch is busy on the weekends. Time to visit the deep random reaches for some recon. (Parking at the S-Curve in BCC) Andy Rosenberg and I have been talking about these ramps in upper Mill B for way too…