Antarctic Peninsula - Photographer Jim Harris



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quiver 2015

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,SkiMo

After umpteen years of working with Black Diamond and skiing on their skis, I’ve made the switch to work with the great local manufacturer, Voile. It’s only been a short time, but it’s very exciting to work with a medium…

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lone peak, chipman, box elder


Moving apartments, good powder skiing, resting, and schmoozing at the Outdoor Retailer have filled my days since the Jackson Skimo race. High pressure and good avalanche stability moved in last week. This is when things get really interesting. Where to…

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twin peaks

Blog,First Descents

Resolution of the new year, 2015 = blog regularly. I’ve realized in order to achieve this I’m going to have to lower my standards of what I consider “blog worthy.” It can’t always be first descents, link-ups, or big traverses as…

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Dome Sweet Dome


I’m not a writer, but I enjoy the challenge it presents and the introspection it can award. And I really like sharing and discussing adventures on snow. I was invited to contribute to the new backcountry ski journal Ascent. The…

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The devil, or whomever is running the show at this point, will indeed find things for idle hands and feet to do. This summer has been a great mix of trail running and gym time. I’m feeling faster and fitter…

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Central Wasatch Traverse

Blog,Gear,Winter 2014

    Decided to drag out and finish up this post from the unpublished blog files of winter 2014. For years I’ve been wanting to do a Parley’s Canyon to Provo Canyon tour because these canyons bookend the meat of…

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Blog,Ski Mountaineering

  “And you will come to find that we are all one mind capable of all that’s imagined and all conceivable.” “Reflection” by TOOL   I guess it was on THIS outing last season that I really decided it was time…

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tools of the trade

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering,Video

  I haven’t blogged about gear very much in the past because I do a bunch of gear reviews over at They make it easy to get the product information, post reviews and ask questions. And now you can…

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buried weak layers

Avalanche Awareness,Blog,Gear

    Trips are popping up and the calendar is filling in. The hit list seems to grow daily. Gear is dialed. I’m fit and chomping at the bit after two less than satisfactory winters in the Wasatch. We are…