Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer



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quiver 2015

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,SkiMo

After umpteen years of working with Black Diamond and skiing on their skis, I’ve made the switch to work with the great local manufacturer, Voile. It’s only been a short time, but it’s very exciting to work with a medium…

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tools of the trade

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering,Video

  I haven’t blogged about gear very much in the past because I do a bunch of gear reviews over at They make it easy to get the product information, post reviews and ask questions. And now you can…

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boot quiver 2014


      We all get to decide what “skiing” means on our own individual level. With all the gear manufacturers crafting backcountry tools we don’t have to be defined or limited by the gear, but only by imagination and…

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on tour


Once the film is made it’s time to share it with the WORLD, or at least a very small and dedicated group of snow enthusiasts in select locations throughout the West.     It all kicks off at Brewvies in…

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Summer is flying by! Days have been spent editing the new film and working on the promotional materials. I love this part of my job. It’s so different from the travel and filming aspect, but still very related. With Powderwhore…

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Pfeifferhorn North Ridge


The Wasatch is packed full of good trails for hiking and running, or routes for climbing, and a few great scrambles. My preference is grappling up the steep stuff that doesn’t require a rope. I’ve been recently enjoying a steady…

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It’s Winter, time to ski. And blog again, sorry for the huge blackout to those of you still checking in. The legs have been feeling good with a handful of mellow touring days and some intense uphill training days already…

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Running uphill in tights


“The devil will find things for idle hands (I think feet as well as any other body part could be substituted) to do”. And so with one of the most snowless winters on record and very dangerous avalanche conditions in…