Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove



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Blog,Epics,First Descents,Gear,Hiking/Scrambling

This guy out front, with the shit eating grin, had an idea for a medieval traverse last week. Two big traverses actually, in one day. For some reason he invited me and for some reason, I said yes. Behold the…

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tetons-cathedral traverse


A good formula for adventure is to allow naivety and over-confidence to get yourself into trouble, and then use mental strength, skill, and physical ability to get you back out. The Grand Traverse of the Tetons has always been a…

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red stack

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2015

Jonah and I did some ski testing for Voile this weekend at Snowbird. Conditions were better than we’d thought they might be. And after staring at the “forbidden fruit” like Pipeline and Red Stack all day I decided I needed to…

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whore no more


  After ten long and powder filled years Jonah and I have decided to stop filming and producing Powderwhore films. Why? The answer is complex. So many factors and reasons. Something Else was the film we had hoped we could…

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wildcat rally

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering,SkiMo

  There was the initial idea by Teague Holmes to go up Neffs Canyon, head into Porter Fork and keep skiing north facing shots off Raymond and Gobblers and finish with Wilson Headwall, or till our legs fell off. Tom Goth…

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The devil, or whomever is running the show at this point, will indeed find things for idle hands and feet to do. This summer has been a great mix of trail running and gym time. I’m feeling faster and fitter…

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summer of fitness-south superior


      The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his…

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wellsville traverse


Welcome to the Wellsville Mountains. I’m not sure that name does justice to what the internet claims as THE STEEPEST MOUNTAIN RANGE IN NORTH AMERICA!  I’ve been wanting to check out the northernmost end of the Wasatch for ski potential. And…