Powderdise, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


Stairs Gulch

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twin peaks


    It’s been a summer long battle between heat and rain in the Wasatch. Both of which have been making it very difficult to commit to the WURL (contrived and first completed by Jared Campbell). Well that and the mind…

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Pfeifferhorn North Ridge


The Wasatch is packed full of good trails for hiking and running, or routes for climbing, and a few great scrambles. My preference is grappling up the steep stuff that doesn’t require a rope. I’ve been recently enjoying a steady…

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Perverse Traverse


per·verse (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs) adj. 1. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. 2. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn. Route is marked in red. For 23 hours last week I unlocked the mysteries…

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wasatch supercoaster


Winter is over, but there are still many trips, vids, and pics that I’m planning on dragging out of the past to post. We’ll begin with this trip report from a few years ago. I wasn’t blogging then and wanted…