Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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ski hard rock 100

Blog,Colorado,Epics,SkiMo,Winter 2016

For four days I followed Jason Schlarb, Scott Simmons and Paul Hamilton through the San Juan Mountains of Colorado connecting together the first completion of the iconic Hardrock 100 route on skis. Watch video HERE! The full four part trip…

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It’s Winter, time to ski. And blog again, sorry for the huge blackout to those of you still checking in. The legs have been feeling good with a handful of mellow touring days and some intense uphill training days already…

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Blog,Gear,The Chuting Gallery,Video

My last post on the Ribbon at Alta got me focused again on the Chuting Gallery. I’ve had plenty of excuses lately, some good and some not. I guess I’ve been waiting for ‘ideal’ conditions after being shut down so…