Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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wellsville traverse


Welcome to the Wellsville Mountains. I’m not sure that name does justice to what the internet claims as THE STEEPEST MOUNTAIN RANGE IN NORTH AMERICA!  I’ve been wanting to check out the northernmost end of the Wasatch for ski potential. And…

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diving board and rampage

Alaska,Blog,First Descents,Gear,Video

(A delayed posting from an outing several weeks ago) Alaska had produced 2 great skiing expeditions and I found myself back in the Wasatch with toes and fingers still thawing from the cold. Winter was attempting to flee and warm…

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jordan river sup


This was close to being really fun, but the main issue is flow. The river is just too damn slow and mellow. Perhaps there is a better craft for this?

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chasing fast

Blog,Gear,SkiMo,The Chuting Gallery

There are sooooo many things I love about skiing. A major reason I’ve been able to stay interested in this activity for so long is the variety. This activity takes on so many shapes and forms and provides enjoyment in…

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Those who have compared our life to a dream are right… we are sleeping awake, and waking sleep. -Michel de Montaigne- I am living a dream. Few things in this life (dream) am I this certain of. I am living…

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Perverse Traverse


per·verse (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs) adj. 1. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. 2. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn. Route is marked in red. For 23 hours last week I unlocked the mysteries…

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hidden peak challenge 2011


Coach Courtney and I warming up on game day. He told me that, “Pain is your legs gift to you and suffering is what you give them in return.” I have no idea what that means. I’m slow on foot….

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summer update


Busy in the editing booth finishing up the new movie “Breaking Trail” from Powderwhore Productions. Great poster art from our friend Sean Quill. Top two photo’s are of myself taken by brother Jonah and the snowboarder is Forrest Shearer shot…