Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Jim Harris



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notable ski descents

50 Classic Ski Descents,Alaska,Antarctica,Baffin Island,Blog,California,Canada,Colorado,Cordillera Blanca,East Coast,Epics,First Descents,Idaho,Montana,Nevada,New Zealand,Oregon,Patagonia,Ski Mountaineering,Svalbard,The Chuting Gallery,Washington,Wyoming

I discovered steep skiing when I was young. It was the era when Kris Erickson, Hans Saari, Andrew McLean, Alex Lowe, Doug Coombs and others were bringing a more twisted vision of what could be descended in the North American mountains….

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Timp-South Ridge

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2016

Today we had a great plan, but it didn’t really happen. I’m not going to give away the shot we wanted to ski, but we ended up climbing and skiing this fun little line off the south west ridge of…

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Blog,Epics,First Descents,Gear,Hiking/Scrambling

This guy out front, with the shit eating grin, had an idea for a medieval traverse last week. Two big traverses actually, in one day. For some reason he invited me and for some reason, I said yes. Behold the…

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red baldy-linking up south faces


  I’m trying like crazy to get out of town, but weather keeps happening and some trips have fallen through. Luckily the backyard snowpack is holding on. A reported 10 inches of new snow is reason enough to go out…

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tushar mountains-mount baldy


    This past weekend was my mothers retirement party in St George. Good excuse to get outside the Wasatch and explore on the way down south. I’ve only skied in the Tushar Mountains once and well, we did more…

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Cold Fusion

50 Classic Ski Descents,Blog

It’s a bit of an approach, but some great trails and mellow roads lead to this classic line. Excited to get to know another little area of this vastly tiny range we call the Wasatch.

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chasing fast

Blog,Gear,SkiMo,The Chuting Gallery

There are sooooo many things I love about skiing. A major reason I’ve been able to stay interested in this activity for so long is the variety. This activity takes on so many shapes and forms and provides enjoyment in…

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the grunge


The Grunge Couloir (NE Couloir of Mount Timpanogos) Grunge (sometimes referred to as the Seattle Sound) is a subgenre of alternative rock that emerged during the mid-1980s in the American state of Washington, particularly in the Seattle area. The word…