LCC, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer


Trail Running

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yoga for stress relief


Warning: the following is a shameless plug for my beautiful and intelligent friend, lover, and Yogi. My yoga history dips up and down over the past 15 years like many rounds of sun salutations. It’s one of those things that…

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The devil, or whomever is running the show at this point, will indeed find things for idle hands and feet to do. This summer has been a great mix of trail running and gym time. I’m feeling faster and fitter…

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wellsville traverse


Welcome to the Wellsville Mountains. I’m not sure that name does justice to what the internet claims as THE STEEPEST MOUNTAIN RANGE IN NORTH AMERICA!  I’ve been wanting to check out the northernmost end of the Wasatch for ski potential. And…

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Perverse Traverse


per·verse (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs) adj. 1. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. 2. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn. Route is marked in red. For 23 hours last week I unlocked the mysteries…

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training day-mountain vert


The past year or so I’ve been getting focused on ‘fitness’. For the summer this includes strength training at the gym, HIIT, trail running, mtn biking and yoga. With the hot temps I’ve mostly been in the gym and doing…