Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer


Twin Peaks

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notable ski descents

50 Classic Ski Descents,Alaska,Antarctica,Baffin Island,Blog,California,Canada,Colorado,Cordillera Blanca,East Coast,Epics,First Descents,Idaho,Montana,Nevada,New Zealand,Oregon,Patagonia,Ski Mountaineering,Svalbard,The Chuting Gallery,Washington,Wyoming

I discovered steep skiing when I was young. It was the era when Kris Erickson, Hans Saari, Andrew McLean, Alex Lowe, Doug Coombs and others were bringing a more twisted vision of what could be descended in the North American mountains….

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twin peaks-high five


The Powder Keg really kicked my ass! It took a solid week to feel energized and recovered. Thursday was the last day of winter. A winter that acted more like spring, and has now been replaced by a spring that already…

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twin peaks-west face


My legs have been slow to recover from the weekend of racing, but there’s no better way to bounce back than getting out and moving around. Lars suggested we ski the West Face of Twin Peaks yesterday. We knew the…

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twin peaks

Blog,First Descents

Resolution of the new year, 2015 = blog regularly. I’ve realized in order to achieve this I’m going to have to lower my standards of what I consider “blog worthy.” It can’t always be first descents, link-ups, or big traverses as…

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wurl complete


    A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. -Denis Waitley-   W= It’s in the heart…

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twin peaks


    It’s been a summer long battle between heat and rain in the Wasatch. Both of which have been making it very difficult to commit to the WURL (contrived and first completed by Jared Campbell). Well that and the mind…

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Perverse Traverse


per·verse (pr-vûrs, pûrvûrs) adj. 1. Directed away from what is right or good; perverted. 2. Obstinately persisting in an error or fault; wrongly self-willed or stubborn. Route is marked in red. For 23 hours last week I unlocked the mysteries…

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perverse traverse attempt


Jim Harris and I attempted to traverse Mt Olympus, Twin Peaks and Lone Peak in one day. The total route is 17,000ft of climbing and descending over roughly 23miles. I’ve never so underestimated the terrain and time it would take…