Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer



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Blog,Gear,The Chuting Gallery,Video

My last post on the Ribbon at Alta got me focused again on the Chuting Gallery. I’ve had plenty of excuses lately, some good and some not. I guess I’ve been waiting for ‘ideal’ conditions after being shut down so…

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bd ad


I wish I had some long grueling traverse, or fall moto trip to report about, but I don’t. Jonah and I are traveling the road showing off our latest Powderwhore Flick to ravenous skiers throughout the western states. We head…

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powder magazine cover


I got a phone call from Jay Beyer about a month ago and he said, “guess who’s on the cover of the November issue of Powder”? After the initial excitement and discussing which shot it was and that there might…

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southern utah video


Jonah has been chomping at the bit to start working with footage for the next flick. He put this nice little edit together from our trip to Bryce and Cedar Breaks. There wasn’t enough snow to really ‘ski’ much, so…

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american beauty (yellowstone)


Happy New Year Everybody! Enjoy the 2010 winter season and all it’s beauty. This is a short edit from a recent trip to Yellowstone over Thanksgiving. “And that’s the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and……

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Southern Utah Exploration


Skiing in the Wasatch hasn’t been off to the best start, so we headed South to explore Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks. We have been talking with Jay Beyer about doing some reconnaissance for years and now seemed like the perfect…

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powder magazine photo annual


A long time dream of mine was recently fulfilled with the release of the Dec issue of Powder Magazine. Thanks to the eye and talented lens work of Jay Beyer we made a pretty picture for the photo annual! With…

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archangel ridge alaska


Today Dylan Freed and I are leaving to attempt a ski descent of the Archangel Ridge on Mount Foraker. There isn’t much information out there on the route. Here a trip report on the second ascent from the American Alpine…

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y-not couloir-video


Threw this together today from some pretty bad footage I took last winter on a ‘Gray Sky’ day.  Jay Beyer and Dylan Freed and I all made our virgin trip down the Y-not Couloir. Watch on youtube HERE