Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark


Wasatch Ultimate Ridge Link-up

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notable ski descents

50 Classic Ski Descents,Alaska,Antarctica,Baffin Island,Blog,California,Canada,Colorado,Cordillera Blanca,East Coast,Epics,First Descents,Idaho,Montana,Nevada,New Zealand,Oregon,Patagonia,Ski Mountaineering,Svalbard,The Chuting Gallery,Washington,Wyoming

I discovered steep skiing when I was young. It was the era when Kris Erickson, Hans Saari, Andrew McLean, Alex Lowe, Doug Coombs and others were bringing a more twisted vision of what could be descended in the North American mountains….

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giving it a wurl


    At long last, Jason Dorais and I are giving the classic WURL (Wasatch Ultimate Ridge Link-up) a go. We’ll start early Tuesday morning and go until we finish, or are finished. Play along at home, you can follow…