Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer



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avalanche in days fork


So, this has been one of the slowest starts to winter I can recall. Pretty frustrating if you’re committed to making a ski film from a production company named Powderwhore. Maybe we should have gone with something else that would…

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Southern Utah Exploration


Skiing in the Wasatch hasn’t been off to the best start, so we headed South to explore Bryce Canyon and Cedar Breaks. We have been talking with Jay Beyer about doing some reconnaissance for years and now seemed like the perfect…

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X-Country into Yellowstone


Not much to ski here in the Wasatch at the moment. However, I wanted to get out for an adventure. There’s a little window where vehicles and snowmobiles are not allowed in Yellowstone National Park. I thought it would be…

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first turns of 2010 season

Blog,Colorado,Winter 2010

With a week off from touring the country, and a fair amount of new snow, it seemed like a good time to kick off winter 2010. Jonah, Darrell and I hit up Alta, which seemed like they had more snow…

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mount olympus west slab


I grew up in the foothills of Mount Olympus and it’s still one of my favorite Wasatch Peaks. It’s a good early morning summer outing. There are many fun ways up, and all of them provide inspiration, adventure and perspiration….

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oquirrh traverse


This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. Why? Not so sure, but it seems strange to live close to this range and never explore it at all. I watch the sunset daily over these peaks and…

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generator couloir attempt 2009


I did pre-apologize to Darrell about this one, but he ended up still walking away mad. The plan was to tick off the Generator Couloir up Big Cottonwood Canyon. We then booted all the way out the creek and to…

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pfieferhorn ne couloir (round #2)


If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again? A bit obsessed with this line by now, Courtney and I went back for a second attempt Sunday morning. Unfortunately our story stops here, or at least doesn’t continue down the…

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rampage attempt


The Wasatch is busy on the weekends. Time to visit the deep random reaches for some recon. (Parking at the S-Curve in BCC) Andy Rosenberg and I have been talking about these ramps in upper Mill B for way too…