Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer



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wasatch citizen series 2015/16


On your mark, get set, SKIMO! (photo Sean Quill) Time to kick off the 2015/16 season with the Thanksgiving day “race” at Brighton Ski Resort. Let’s be honest it’s more of a fun run on skis than a race. All…

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Blog,Epics,First Descents,Gear,Hiking/Scrambling

This guy out front, with the shit eating grin, had an idea for a medieval traverse last week. Two big traverses actually, in one day. For some reason he invited me and for some reason, I said yes. Behold the…

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Blog,Ranting and Ravings

There is no place on this planet as unique as the Central Wasatch Mountains. Its close proximity to a large city, ease of access, quality of snowfall, and multiplicity of user groups all interacting and overlapping in such a tiny…

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red stack

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,Winter 2015

Jonah and I did some ski testing for Voile this weekend at Snowbird. Conditions were better than we’d thought they might be. And after staring at the “forbidden fruit” like Pipeline and Red Stack all day I decided I needed to…

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red baldy-linking up south faces


  I’m trying like crazy to get out of town, but weather keeps happening and some trips have fallen through. Luckily the backyard snowpack is holding on. A reported 10 inches of new snow is reason enough to go out…