Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer


Mount Superior

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Blog,Ranting and Ravings

There is no place on this planet as unique as the Central Wasatch Mountains. Its close proximity to a large city, ease of access, quality of snowfall, and multiplicity of user groups all interacting and overlapping in such a tiny…

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monte cristo directissimo


No real powder to speak of, so it must be steep skiing time. Spring conditions mean good snow pack stability, but often questionable turning conditions. I’ve been obsessing over this massive line that stares down at you every time you…

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scramble on


It’s snowed and it’s currently snowing in the mountains here in the Wasatch. The forecast is calling for more early this week. I’m guessing and hoping this will be the patch that sticks and starts the snowpack for the 2008/09…

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brighton shortcut?


I decided to go for a hike at Brighton last week. In an effort to conserve gas I looked at alternate ways of getting there. My USGS topo map revealed a much more direct route which would cut off a…