Tordrillo Mtns, AK - Photographer Jay Beyer



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quiver 2015

Blog,Ski Mountaineering,SkiMo

After umpteen years of working with Black Diamond and skiing on their skis, I’ve made the switch to work with the great local manufacturer, Voile. It’s only been a short time, but it’s very exciting to work with a medium…

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lone peak, chipman, box elder


Moving apartments, good powder skiing, resting, and schmoozing at the Outdoor Retailer have filled my days since the Jackson Skimo race. High pressure and good avalanche stability moved in last week. This is when things get really interesting. Where to…

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Some Thing Else


Too strange and hard to believe that Jonah and I just finished up work on our 10th backcountry film! This whole Powderwhore thing started as a joke, became a hobby and now it’s still a joke that sometimes feels like…

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wrangell st elias-slotterhouse


    Back from a month of shooting and skiing for Powderwhore in Alaska. We split the month into two trips, one stint in the Tordrillos with Caston Oliver,  Neil Provo and photographer Jay Beyer. For some pics and a…

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tools of the trade

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering,Video

  I haven’t blogged about gear very much in the past because I do a bunch of gear reviews over at They make it easy to get the product information, post reviews and ask questions. And now you can…

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buried weak layers

Avalanche Awareness,Blog,Gear

    Trips are popping up and the calendar is filling in. The hit list seems to grow daily. Gear is dialed. I’m fit and chomping at the bit after two less than satisfactory winters in the Wasatch. We are…

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utah skimo


The skiing is lack luster, but that shouldn’t stop us from putting the hurt on and conditioning for the snow that will come.   Whether you’re rocking light, or might, come out to the inaugural Wasatch Citizens Series race this…