Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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on tour


Once the film is made it’s time to share it with the WORLD, or at least a very small and dedicated group of snow enthusiasts in select locations throughout the West.     It all kicks off at Brewvies in…

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elevation trailer


Actions speak louder than words, that’s one of the things I really like about video. Jonah and I have been working very hard and having fun with the new film. Please come check it out on tour or pick up…

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Summer is flying by! Days have been spent editing the new film and working on the promotional materials. I love this part of my job. It’s so different from the travel and filming aspect, but still very related. With Powderwhore…

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Into Alaska


Once upon a time I worked as a lift operator at Deer Valley. This is where I discovered powder (of all places) and became a SKIER. I loved ski films and wanted to be in them! The TV in the…

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chasing fast

Blog,Gear,SkiMo,The Chuting Gallery

There are sooooo many things I love about skiing. A major reason I’ve been able to stay interested in this activity for so long is the variety. This activity takes on so many shapes and forms and provides enjoyment in…

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Revelations Revisited

Alaska,Blog,First Descents

Expeditions are a gamble, a roll of the dice. The first time I bet on the Revelations we ended up sitting in the town of Talkeetna in the rain for 7 days. Several years later I gave it another whirl…

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Pretty huge surprise in this month’s issue of Backcountry Magazine! Andreas Fransson appropriately takes the cover of the icon issue. If you haven’t been following his exploits, you are missing out on the most talented and exciting skier currently pushing…

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It’s Winter, time to ski. And blog again, sorry for the huge blackout to those of you still checking in. The legs have been feeling good with a handful of mellow touring days and some intense uphill training days already…