Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Jim Harris



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new maestrale rs boot review

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering

Ten years into blogging and I keep telling myself I’ll do more gear reviews and product highlights. The reason I don’t is just that I’m lazy I guess. So, when I do get around to posting about gear it’s because it’s…

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whore no more


  After ten long and powder filled years Jonah and I have decided to stop filming and producing Powderwhore films. Why? The answer is complex. So many factors and reasons. Something Else was the film we had hoped we could…

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boot quiver 2014


      We all get to decide what “skiing” means on our own individual level. With all the gear manufacturers crafting backcountry tools we don’t have to be defined or limited by the gear, but only by imagination and…

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Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering

I’ve been updating my blog and in switching servers some posts were deleted. This was a highlight from last winter that I’ve rewritten with more pics and info from the route. Plinko! (new line on the Pfiefferhorn?) We were filming…

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powder magazine cover


I got a phone call from Jay Beyer about a month ago and he said, “guess who’s on the cover of the November issue of Powder”? After the initial excitement and discussing which shot it was and that there might…

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haines 2009 (part 1)


So obviously Haines is THE place for big mountain riding, right? I mean this is where the most amazing footage has been coming from for many years now. Six of us from PW productions were lucky enough to make the…