Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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backcountry skiing emergency/repair kit


Some seasons come on quickly and I feel like I’m in full ski mode before I have time to gather the gear together. That’s not the case this year, plenty of time for tinkering and prepping in this beautiful 60 degree weather….

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ski hard rock 100

Blog,Colorado,Epics,SkiMo,Winter 2016

For four days I followed Jason Schlarb, Scott Simmons and Paul Hamilton through the San Juan Mountains of Colorado connecting together the first completion of the iconic Hardrock 100 route on skis. Watch video HERE! The full four part trip…

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lone peak, chipman, box elder


Moving apartments, good powder skiing, resting, and schmoozing at the Outdoor Retailer have filled my days since the Jackson Skimo race. High pressure and good avalanche stability moved in last week. This is when things get really interesting. Where to…

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The devil, or whomever is running the show at this point, will indeed find things for idle hands and feet to do. This summer has been a great mix of trail running and gym time. I’m feeling faster and fitter…

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boot quiver 2014


      We all get to decide what “skiing” means on our own individual level. With all the gear manufacturers crafting backcountry tools we don’t have to be defined or limited by the gear, but only by imagination and…

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twin peaks


    It’s been a summer long battle between heat and rain in the Wasatch. Both of which have been making it very difficult to commit to the WURL (contrived and first completed by Jared Campbell). Well that and the mind…