Funny how much a broken pinky toe impacts what you can and can’t physically do. Fall plan was to attempt some long traverses here in the Wasatch before hitting the road with the Powderwhore film tour. Instead, the last few weekends were spent with my lovely lady and I enjoying some time in Utah’s great outdoors.  It’s been a nice little reminder to slow down and appreciate being healthy.

Diamond Fork Hot Springs have been a long time favorite oasis. It can be crowded on weekends, but there a several pools you can escape to.

We borrowed a very good friends Suzuki V-Storm and headed South to cruise some scenic by-ways.

Dead Horse Point

A quick picnic at Lake Powell

Camping near Goblin Valley. Map=good kindling.

There are few dreams worth sleeping in for and missing a sunrise like this.

Hiking Little Wild Horse/Bells Canyon loop for the first time. WOW!

Is there a more intriguing 8 miles of trail on this planet?

We’re contemplating joining an outlaw biker gang, but can’t decide between the Mongols and Bandidos.