Whipple Couloir, UT - Photographer Adam Clark



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exploring utaaaaaaah


Funny how much a broken pinky toe impacts what you can and can’t physically do. Fall plan was to attempt some long traverses here in the Wasatch before hitting the road with the Powderwhore film tour. Instead, the last few…

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Photo Highlights 2010


Getting warm and toasty in SLC and thoughts of winter are melting away fast. There is still one ski project on tap for later this month if the weather behaves. Pretty much time for this wonderful and strange season to…

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doing it at night


The idea of skiing at night with lights first started when mad scientist, Andy Rosenberg purchased a high powered mtn bike light for use on dawn patrols. After working in the office all day I borrowed it for an evening…

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mountain hardwear


I’ve been ‘living the dream’ for some time now. For me, that means existing simply and doing what I want to do with my time, my imagination and my skis. It appears there are those who like what I do…

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avalanche in days fork


So, this has been one of the slowest starts to winter I can recall. Pretty frustrating if you’re committed to making a ski film from a production company named Powderwhore. Maybe we should have gone with something else that would…

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southern utah video


Jonah has been chomping at the bit to start working with footage for the next flick. He put this nice little edit together from our trip to Bryce and Cedar Breaks. There wasn’t enough snow to really ‘ski’ much, so…

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flakes is coming


The movie is all wrapped up and Jonah has been posting some news and updates over on www.powderwhore.com. We are both really excited about how our baby turned out. We are working on getting the trailer out there and promoting…

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archangel ridge alaska


Today Dylan Freed and I are leaving to attempt a ski descent of the Archangel Ridge on Mount Foraker. There isn’t much information out there on the route. Here a trip report on the second ascent from the American Alpine…

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y-not couloir-video


Threw this together today from some pretty bad footage I took last winter on a ‘Gray Sky’ day.  Jay Beyer and Dylan Freed and I all made our virgin trip down the Y-not Couloir. Watch on youtube HERE