Bryce Canyon, UT - Photographer Jay Beyer
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Wasatch Backcountry Alliance


    The Wasatch Backcountry Alliance was recently formed in hopes of bringing the human powered winter community together and giving it representation. I’m honored to have been asked to be one of the founding board members. I’ve seen many…

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utah adventure journal


      There must be something better on TV this Thursday, but if not, come share some overpriced fireball shots and fond memories from skiing in and around the greatest little mountain range on the planet!

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tools of the trade

Blog,Gear,Ski Mountaineering,Video

  I haven’t blogged about gear very much in the past because I do a bunch of gear reviews over at They make it easy to get the product information, post reviews and ask questions. And now you can…

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buried weak layers

Avalanche Awareness,Blog,Gear

    Trips are popping up and the calendar is filling in. The hit list seems to grow daily. Gear is dialed. I’m fit and chomping at the bit after two less than satisfactory winters in the Wasatch. We are…

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utah skimo


The skiing is lack luster, but that shouldn’t stop us from putting the hurt on and conditioning for the snow that will come.   Whether you’re rocking light, or might, come out to the inaugural Wasatch Citizens Series race this…

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boot quiver 2014


      We all get to decide what “skiing” means on our own individual level. With all the gear manufacturers crafting backcountry tools we don’t have to be defined or limited by the gear, but only by imagination and…

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on tour


Once the film is made it’s time to share it with the WORLD, or at least a very small and dedicated group of snow enthusiasts in select locations throughout the West.     It all kicks off at Brewvies in…

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wurl complete


    A dream is your creative vision for your life in the future. You must break out of your current comfort zone and become comfortable with the unfamiliar and the unknown. -Denis Waitley-   W= It’s in the heart…

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giving it a wurl


    At long last, Jason Dorais and I are giving the classic WURL (Wasatch Ultimate Ridge Link-up) a go. We’ll start early Tuesday morning and go until we finish, or are finished. Play along at home, you can follow…

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twin peaks


    It’s been a summer long battle between heat and rain in the Wasatch. Both of which have been making it very difficult to commit to the WURL (contrived and first completed by Jared Campbell). Well that and the mind…