Wasatch Mtns, UT - Photographer Jim Harris
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elevation trailer


Actions speak louder than words, that’s one of the things I really like about video. Jonah and I have been working very hard and having fun with the new film. Please come check it out on tour or pick up…

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summer of fitness-south superior


      The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on Earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but only to have the law of nature for his…

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Summer is flying by! Days have been spent editing the new film and working on the promotional materials. I love this part of my job. It’s so different from the travel and filming aspect, but still very related. With Powderwhore…

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Pfeifferhorn North Ridge


The Wasatch is packed full of good trails for hiking and running, or routes for climbing, and a few great scrambles. My preference is grappling up the steep stuff that doesn’t require a rope. I’ve been recently enjoying a steady…

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wellsville traverse


Welcome to the Wellsville Mountains. I’m not sure that name does justice to what the internet claims as THE STEEPEST MOUNTAIN RANGE IN NORTH AMERICA!  I’ve been wanting to check out the northernmost end of the Wasatch for ski potential. And…

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I finally got the call from the Dorais (It’s pronounced DOE-RAY, and the D is not silent) brothers last week and it was game time! Pack up the bags and drive 13hrs to Rainier. I’ve been shooting them and their…

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diving board and rampage

Alaska,Blog,First Descents,Gear,Video

(A delayed posting from an outing several weeks ago) Alaska had produced 2 great skiing expeditions and I found myself back in the Wasatch with toes and fingers still thawing from the cold. Winter was attempting to flee and warm…

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jordan river sup


This was close to being really fun, but the main issue is flow. The river is just too damn slow and mellow. Perhaps there is a better craft for this?

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uintaaaaaaah fail


How do you know if something is possible? You try it! It’s easy to plan, guess and speculate from the computer, but there’s really only one way to KNOW and that’s to GO. There were many doubts and ways this…

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uintah highline traverse


Might be too late in the season to pull this off, but Darrell Finlayson is helping me shuttle snowmobiles tonight so Andrew McLean and I can attempt the full Uintah Highline traverse. Might have to pull the plug depending on…