Ruth Gorge, AK - Photographer Garret Grove



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powder magazine cover


I got a phone call from Jay Beyer about a month ago and he said, “guess who’s on the cover of the November issue of Powder”? After the initial excitement and discussing which shot it was and that there might…

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exploring utaaaaaaah


Funny how much a broken pinky toe impacts what you can and can’t physically do. Fall plan was to attempt some long traverses here in the Wasatch before hitting the road with the Powderwhore film tour. Instead, the last few…

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moto adventure summer 2010


After a few trips fell through we finally got a small crew together for a weekend moto ride. Trip report posted HERE by the master navigator and fearless leader.

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perverse traverse attempt


Jim Harris and I attempted to traverse Mt Olympus, Twin Peaks and Lone Peak in one day. The total route is 17,000ft of climbing and descending over roughly 23miles. I’ve never so underestimated the terrain and time it would take…

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city of rocks


Traded in the city of salt for the city of rocks this weekend. Yes, there is an entire city of rocks. I had heard of it, but never before been If I were a rock climber and were to build…

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training day-mountain vert


The past year or so I’ve been getting focused on ‘fitness’. For the summer this includes strength training at the gym, HIIT, trail running, mtn biking and yoga. With the hot temps I’ve mostly been in the gym and doing…

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Photo Highlights 2010


Getting warm and toasty in SLC and thoughts of winter are melting away fast. There is still one ski project on tap for later this month if the weather behaves. Pretty much time for this wonderful and strange season to…

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The Revelations Revealed

Alaska,Baffin Island,Blog

I first heard about the Revelation Mountains while reading a book on climbing in Alaska. For some reason they just stuck in my head as a place I wanted to visit. Maybe it was my Religious upbringing and the mystery…